Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Visit to Davis and Woodland

One of the highlights of the wedding weekend was seeing my good friends, Jackie and Eric and getting to meet their daughter Emily (finally!). It was so fun to walk around Davis with Jackie, Emily, Susan, Ben and Ella and to see the beautiful performing arts center where Eric works.
Here, Emily shares her toys with Ella. Mama Susan looks on.

Emily and Ella share some "tub time" and some giggles.

After bathtime, it is storytime with the mamas, Susan and Jackie.

What a treat! Arlene and her girls drove to see us the morning I had to leave. We had a nice visit and it was wonderful to catch up with Arlene and see her beautiful girls.

Saying goodbye to sunny California and dear friends. Let's start planning our next family get-together!


threeforme said...

I love how Padyn refused to be in any of the pictures...

It was great getting to see you. It only would have been better if Gabe and Liam could have been with you. But hopefully next summer...

Mommy Jules said...

I wish I could have been there! You all look beautiful!