Wednesday, July 16, 2008

High Summer

How did it get to be mid-July already???? Here are a few pictures from this past week.

Liam waters our raspberry patch...bare buns style. We have been encouraging Liam to use the potty and not wear his diapers except for nap and bedtime. Consequently, we have been doing a lot of "naked time" and/or just bare buns.

We had a family reunion (on my mom's side) this past weekend at Guemes. There were about 40 people in all and it was a great time to catch up with some family I haven't seen in a long time. Here, Lucia (Reuben's girlfriend), Dad, and Reuben hang out on a log, waiting for dinner.

Bathing Beauty.

Running on the sand...trying to make the clams squirt!

Grandpa and Liam dig for a "big one" (clam).

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