Saturday, January 03, 2009


We spent about 9 days with Gabe's family at Gabe's brother Chris' cabin right outside Yellowstone National Park. It was a fun-filled, snowy, family-filled week. Here are a few pictures from the week of Christmas. Above, Gabe, Liam and I enjoy some "hot drinks" sitting around an outside fire one evening.

Building the fire and enjoying the beautiful evening and surroundings.

The girls on vacation - clockwise from the top: Aislinn (sister-in-law), me, Anne (Gabe's sister), Lisette (Gabe's mom) and Helena (Gabe's youngest sister). Darcy, my other sister-in-law, had left by the time we took this picture. Gitta, Gabe's middle sister, is in the Peace Corps - due home this spring!

Cross-Country skiing in West Yellowstone: Gabe, Anne and Helena.

Here is a picture of the cabin and the kids about to go down a monster hill on the big, wooden tobaggen! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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