Sunday, April 12, 2009

Good friends

This past week, Liam and I drove down to Redmond, OR (near Bend), where our dear friends, Emma, Ethan, Calvin and little Bliss live. It was my spring break from work, so Liam and I spent the week hanging out in the high desert and enjoying time together. Calvin and Liam played well together all week and have a similar energy and humor. It was (tireless) fun!

Dinosaurs were a big theme this week for the boys, as was naked time...running around naked, taking baths....oh the stories we mamas will able to share when they are older :). Here, Liam and Calvin enjoy bathtime together....with dinosaurs, of course.

Liam and Calvin and their little easter bunnies.

Silly time....

....good 'ol three year old humor!

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