Monday, December 13, 2010

Sinterklaas Dag

This year Liam put out his shoes on December 5th in hopes that Sinterklaas would fill them with treats and toys. Liam and Gabe sang the same song that Gabe's dutch Grandmother taught him as a child:

Sinterklaas kapoentje
Gooi wat in mijn schoentje
Breng wat in mijn laarsje
Dank U Sinterklaasje!

Here are the treats!
Then, while we were having dinner with our neighbors the next day would you believe who braved an Atlantic crossing for a visit (I'm sure he was headed for Lynden)?

Sinterklaas was looking decidedly bedraggled after the crossing; perhaps because of the economy he has been scrimping on clothes?

Our friend Dietmar did an admirable job reading out the good and bad behavior to the kids.

Liam was so excited and much more believing than Dietmar's own children. He did admit to being a LITTLE disappointed to miss Zwarte Piet... although he was pretty excited to not be taken to Spain and ground up into sausage with the other bad girls and boys! Here he's looking a little sheepish when the bad stuff is covered. Don't you just love the Dutch?

Kerry and Hana get in a few kisses as well!


Susan said...

What a great tradition! I want to adopt it. And I love the costume! Can Sinterklass Dag come to our house too?

Anonymous said...

Zeer lief allemaal!