Saturday, May 05, 2012

Our Week in Redmond

 After visiting Uncle Reuben and Auntie Lucia, we headed South-East and arrived in Redmond (near Bend), to spend time with our dear friends, Emma, Ethan, Calvin (6) and Bliss (4). 

 We went to the High Dessert Museum - a fantastic place with lots of natural history and live critters.  Silas loved the reptiles.  And...yes...there is glass between Silas and the boa.

 What a thrill to touch a tortoise!

Six year old buddies.

 Bedtime stories with Emma.

Who?  Me?
Even more fun was the fact that other friends of ours from Bellingham were visiting at the same time, so we had a whole crew for a few meals, hikes and playtimes. 

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