Sunday, November 09, 2008

A few more fall pictures

These pictures are from the week of Halloween. Liam and his preschool class visited a pumpkin farm. One of the BIG treats of the day, was a ride in this contraption above....the "train". Not only was it pulled by a tractor (big thrill!), but each little car had a steering wheel (also a thrill). Liam could hardly contain himself. The funny thing was that the farmer driving the tractor may have had even more fun than the kids. He obviously enjoys this part of his job! Here are a couple shots from the day.

Liam in his "ride".
After the train ride, the kids got to ride in a wagon (pulled by yet another tractor - way cool!) out to the pumpkin field. Really...does it get any better than this for a little boy???

With the time change, it seems as though we have more evening time to read and cuddle. I love this time - it is one of the few times when Liam will actually sit still (sort-of).....

Wow - by the looks of my face, you would think we were reading a thriller novel. But actually, we are just wrapped up in Boo and Baa and their adventure. How will they solve their dilemma?


Mommy Jules said...

I want to read stories with you two! It looks like cozy fun.

Ah ha! I found it! said...

Still? What means the word "still"???
Loved the sheepy costume - you are so creative and talented!!!